Industry Solutions
Industry specific B2B platforms that aggregate services and product providers uniquely to provide connectivity and value.
Fully powered marketplaces for connecting end-customers, consumers and other entities within the enterprise collaboration network.
Custom, highly scalable platforms for government agencies to digitally transform their offerings, operations and service delivery processes.
Custom platforms for linking suppliers and channel partners to improve productivity, collaboration, scale, process efficiency and innovation.
Why Interprocure
Cloud-based environment
Easy and rapid to deploy
Reduce and/or remove your legacy B2B systems
Retail, Brand and Healthcare Industry Experts
Enterprises are seeking to expand digital business opportunities
Many Retailers/Hubs run their business models on 50 year old legacy technology that requires additional software, value added networks, people, legacy knowledge, and a separate UPC catalog process that is not integrated with the entire system. The cost of these legacy systems is expensive and cumbersome. Interprocure leads the digital business world with cutting edge, easy to use and full integration technology that is second to none.